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Clean Way Carpet Cleaning

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About Clean Way Carpet Cleaning

Clean Way Carpet Cleaning uses the greatest tools and techniques in the industry. Our Fountain Valley carpet cleaning professionals will clean deeply inside of your carpeting to remove every instance of dirt and grime along with every stain in your carpeting to ensure that it looks as exquisite as it did that day you purchased it and had it installed in your home. We have dealt with many households who were ready to throw away their carpeting and start over with new carpeting in a few days. However, we were able to clean every inch of the carpeting so it looked as immaculate as the first day it was installed into the home.

Location & Directions for Clean Way Carpet Cleaning

16052 Mount Carmel Ct, Fountain Valley, CA 92708
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Services Clean Way Carpet Cleaning Offers

Carpet, Rug, Air Duct, Upholstery & Tile Cleaning, Water Damage Restoration

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