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Castaway 7 Studios

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About Castaway 7 Studios

Recording Studio in Ventura, California. Professional recordings in all genres... Reggae, Hip-Hop, Rock, Metal, Punk, Country, Rockabilly, Blues, Karaoke, Voice-over service for Radio and TV.

Location & Directions for Castaway 7 Studios

4737 Ortega St #16, Ventura, CA 93003
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Services Castaway 7 Studios Offers

avedis ma5, api 312, bae, apogee, neumann, focusrite, presonus, jbl, vintage, coles 4038, uad quad neve fairchild space echo mxr roland juno 60 hammond b3 leslie 122 sound stage, voiceovers, tracking drums pultec 1176 harmony vox mesa boogie marshall univox fender blues junior, lunchbox blue tube robbie avalon di dbx 386 multivox les paul sbg2000 yamaha fg300 stratocaster billboard 200 #1 rehearsal rentals hip hop reggae punk metal blues country folk acoustic piano beats producer engineer

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