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Carrie Palmore, Principal Broker Premiere Property Group, LLC

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About Carrie Palmore, Principal Broker Premiere Property Group, LLC

I have always been a seeker of excellence and when I began my real estate career eleven years ago, just as the economy was crashing, I brought that spirit with me in my quest to provide the best real estate experience to each and every one of my clients. Buying a home is one of the most important purchases and decisions you can make, and I don't take that responsibility lightly. My goal is to devote myself to you and make it the best experience I can.

Location & Directions for Carrie Palmore, Principal Broker Premiere Property Group, LLC

700 Deborah Rd. Suite 200, Newberg, OR 97132
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Services Carrie Palmore, Principal Broker Premiere Property Group, LLC Offers

Real Estate Agent

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