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Captain Jack's Seafood Locker

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About Captain Jack's Seafood Locker

Captain Jack's Seafood Locker

Location & Directions for Captain Jack's Seafood Locker

303 S Harbor St, Seward, AK 99664
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Services Captain Jack's Seafood Locker Offers

Seafood Market

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More About Captain Jack's Seafood Locker

Alaska's finest retail fish and seafood market. Seasonal selections of fresh Alaskan Halibut, Wild Salmon, King Crab, Cod, and Shellfish. You can also order Alaskan Seafood online with FedEx delivery nationwide. To assure you receive the best seafood Alaska has to offer, we purchase only the highest quality fish and seafood from sustainable fisheries and package it with the utmost care. From the icy-depths of Alaska's oceans, to our freezer, and on to your table, our products are carefully handled each step of the way.