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Canterbury Art Shoppe

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About Canterbury Art Shoppe

Canterbury Art Shoppe is your local custom framing store. Art and gifts too. A privately owned small business in Westchester, CA striving to help its customers create a healthy home and work space through a balance of functional and creative art. Based upon the belief that what we surround ourselves with has a profound effect upon us, Canterbury Art Shoppe works to bring objects of beauty and substance into everyone's daily life. We wish to be not just in the community, but to be "a part" of the local community.

Location & Directions for Canterbury Art Shoppe

6239 W 87th St, Westchester, CA 90045
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Services Canterbury Art Shoppe Offers

Getting your life on track, one frame at a time... Our specialty is custom framing for art and photography. Also shadow boxes for 3 dimensional keepsakes. Restoration services for photos, paintings and frames. Mirrors, convex glass, easels, fireplace mantels, greeting cards, gift items, hand-pained decorative items, plate hangers/plate boxes. In home consultations available.

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Canterbury Art Shoppe Coupons & Specials

Storewide specials the 1st Friday of every month.