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Callahan's Gas & Appliance

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About Callahan's Gas & Appliance

At Callahan's Gas & Appliance, we are a trusted propane supplier and appliance store serving the Centreville area. With over 85 years of experience, we provide personalized propane delivery and quality equipment and fireplace services for residential and commercial customers. Our knowledgeable team offers installation, maintenance, and repair services for appliances, fireplaces, space heaters, and more. We take pride in our commitment to customer satisfaction and our support of the local community.

Location & Directions for Callahan's Gas & Appliance

116 N Commerce St, Centreville, MD 21617
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Services Callahan's Gas & Appliance Offers

Services offered by Callahan's Gas & Appliance:
Propane supplier, Gas, Craft, Fuels, Store, Energy, Cuisine, Industry, Electrics, Electrical

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More About Callahan's Gas & Appliance

Callahan's Gas & Appliance is a reputable propane supplier and appliance store located in Centreville, MD. With a history dating back to 1937, we have been providing reliable propane delivery services and top-quality equipment to homes and businesses on Maryland's Eastern Shore. Our team of experienced professionals offers personalized services including installation, maintenance, and repair for a wide range of appliances such as water heaters, space heaters, and fireplaces. We prioritize customer satisfaction by delivering prompt and efficient service. As a trusted member of the community, we actively support local organizations and events. Whether you need propane for heating or cooking purposes or require assistance with your appliances, Callahan's Gas & Appliance is here to meet your needs with expertise and dedication.