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Cafe Rio

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About Cafe Rio

We're up with the sun, squeezing limes and scooping out avocados, baking our fresh desserts and making our signature sauces and salad dressings by hand. We're not complaining, though. It's just what we do - kind of like hand rolling every tortilla from scratch, and buying only USDA Choice meats.

With no freezers or Microwaves in our restaurants and no artificial ingredients in our foods, it is simply the highest quality, freshest food you will find anywhere.

Location & Directions for Cafe Rio

2885 S 5600 W, West Valley City, UT 84120
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Services Cafe Rio Offers

•Cafe Rio's sauces, salad dressings, salsas, and guacamole are prepared fresh each day.
•Cafe Rio serves only USDA Choice quality meats.
•Employees at an average Cafe Rio restaurant squeeze up to 9 cases of limes every morning - fresh lime juice is one of the key ingredients.
•Free Meal! At Cafe Rio, we reward your loyalty. After ten meals, your 11th meal is on us.

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