Bradmark Technologies, Inc. is a privately held, Houston-based software company. Founded in 1981, Bradmark first earned its position of leadership in the HP 3000 mid-range computing environments on which many of the world's largest companies rely. We extended our product offerings to the Distributed Systems market in 1996, and today, Bradmark is a leading provider of database managment solutions for the industry's major RDBMS environments. To date, Bradmark has sold over 10,000 product licenses.
Bradmark's core competence in database tools technology includes the Surveillance DB product suite that provides comprehensive performance monitoring and management enabling IT departments to ensure system availability and efficiency. Supporting SAP Sybase as well as Microsoft, Oracle and IBM databases, as well as NoSQL databases, Bradmark offers a powerful heterogeneous, integrated solution that monitors and manages databases, applications and operating systems, along with producing audit reports and security alerts.
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