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Borders Woodworks

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About Borders Woodworks

Borders Woodworks - - of Jacksonville, Florida, specializes in building and installing custom cabinets and custom furniture. We rely on high quality materials and quality craftsmanship to provide our clients with exceptional products that are tailored to their specific needs.

Location & Directions for Borders Woodworks

2071 Emerson St #6, Jacksonville, FL 32207
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Services Borders Woodworks Offers

Whether you are in need of new solid wood custom kitchen cabinets, bathroom cabinets and vanities, built-in bookcases, credenzas, or window seats for added storage, Borders Woodworks will work closely with you to design and create custom pieces that will enhance your lifestyle and increase the value of your home. Borders Woodworks can also be commissioned to design and build one of a kind furniture pieces that express the individuality of the Owner. Ranging from refined modern to rustic styles, we create top quality, functional pieces of art, by working with the Client to understand their tastes and expectations.

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