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Bern Butler Capilouto & Massey - Larry D Bern CPA

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About Bern Butler Capilouto & Massey - Larry D Bern CPA

Founded in 1982, BERN, BUTLER, CAPILOUTO & MASSEY, P.C. is a full-service accounting firm serving clients in Alabama and beyond. The firm offers services, such as tax preparation, audits, reviews, bookkeeping/write-up, tax planning, business consulting, litigation support, employee benefit plans, asset protection, financial statements, financial forecasts, projections, and many more. Clients served include partnerships, limited liability companies, corporations, estates, individuals and non-profit groups. BERN, BUTLER, CAPILOUTO & MASSEY, P.C. represents industries, including health care, wholesaling, retailing, manufacturing, publishing, broadcasting, professional services, construction, real estate, agribusiness, utilities and government.

Location & Directions for Bern Butler Capilouto & Massey - Larry D Bern CPA

4137 Carmichael Rd, Montgomery, AL 36106
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Services Bern Butler Capilouto & Massey - Larry D Bern CPA Offers


  • Accountants
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