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Bella Reina Spa

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About Bella Reina Spa

Our spa facilities in the "All-American" city of Delray Beach, are just 8 miles north of Boca Raton and 25 minutes from Palm Beach. This world famous spa is dedicated to making you look bella fabulous with spa packages, bridal packages, anti-aging incredible non-surgical face-lifts, weight loss body wraps, and safe, medical sterilization manicures & pedicures.

Location & Directions for Bella Reina Spa

815 George Bush Blvd, Delray Beach, FL 33483
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Services Bella Reina Spa Offers

Nails, Massage, Body Wraps, Hair Removal, Clinical Skin Care, Cosmetics, Glycolic Treatments, Tanning, Nonsurgical Face Lifts, Cellulite Treatments, Pedicures, Gift Experiences, Microdermabrasion, etc.

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