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Beechnut Kennels

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About Beechnut Kennels

Beechnut Kennels specializes in socialized canine boarding and daycare services, as well as offering bathing and feline boarding. Please see our website for more details at

Location & Directions for Beechnut Kennels

525 Central Ave E, Edgewater, MD 21037
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More About Beechnut Kennels

Beechnut Kennels is located on a quiet country acreage that is also very convenient for the humans. We are located on the Southeast side of Central Avenue and Muddy Creek Road intersection in Edgewater, MD.

We strive to provide quality day and overnight care for your pet at a comfortable price for you. We strongly believe that everyone should have access to quality pet care. We have structured our rates as “all inclusive” as possible, so that we can provide EVERY pet with the quality services necessary to keep them content and healthy. There are additional services available to each pet, but we take pride in admitting that the pets get so much care and attention with our standard routine, the extras are not necessary. We hope that this informative site will give you insight as to our standards of care.