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Aspen Dental: Shane L. Phillips DDS

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About Aspen Dental: Shane L. Phillips DDS

Shane L Phillips DDS is a Dentist in Sandy, Utah that has been changing lives one smile at time. Come experience Dentistry at its finest. General Cleaning, Cosmetic Dentistry, & Cerec Restorations.

Location & Directions for Aspen Dental: Shane L. Phillips DDS

850 E 9400 S #100, Sandy, UT 84094
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Services Aspen Dental: Shane L. Phillips DDS Offers

Dentist, Cosmetic Dentist, Family Dentist, Root Canals, Crowns, Veneers, Inlays, Onlays, Composite Fillings, X-Rays, Sedation Dentistry, Cerec Restorations, Zoom Whitening.

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