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Asa Flats and Lofts

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About Asa Flats and Lofts

Unlike many other addresses in the Pearl, Asa Flats + Lofts were specifically designed to provide a sense of community for the people who live here. It feels more like a vertical neighborhood than a high-rise apartment building. Your new home is also a good fit for your lifestyle, since Asa was painstakingly designed to achieve LEED Gold certification, and many of the materials were sourced locally. Speaking of materials, your home will have the highest-quality hardwood floors, exposed concrete finishes, and windows—lots and lots of windows.

Location & Directions for Asa Flats and Lofts

1200 Nw Marshall St, Portland, OR 97209
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Services Asa Flats and Lofts Offers

Whether you need a studio, a one- or two-bedroom flat, a loft with your own private outdoor patio and garden, or a penthouse flat, you'll wake up to inspiring, unobstructed views from floor-to-ceiling windows. You'll have your own gym and bicycle facilities, a gorgeous penthouse Sky Lounge for lounging and entertaining, and gardens for growing your own vegetables. Even a guest suite for your out-of-town visitors.

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