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Arnold R. Rudman, DDS

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About Arnold R. Rudman, DDS

Welcome to Dr. Rudman's office in Thousand Oaks, which specializes in family dentistry and cosmetic procedures to perfect your smile.

Dr. Rudman takes pride in offering the finest in care and services to each and every patient. Whether you need one filling or a full smile makeover, Dr. Rudman is honored to serve your needs with perfection. For those deserving a more youthful smile, he would be happy to show you what cosmetic dentistry can do for you!

Location & Directions for Arnold R. Rudman, DDS

2220 Lynn Rd Suite 305, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
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Services Arnold R. Rudman, DDS Offers

Some of the procedures and treatments Dr. Rudman provides are: porcelain veneers, crowns, bridges, bonding, full smile makeover, dentures, removable partial dentures,oral surgery/dental Implants, Invisalign and in-office whitening. The staff maintains impeccable standards of infection control and they strive to make your visit comfortable, safe and memorable in keeping with these standards. They are a mercury free office.

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