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About ArdentX

ArdentX is one of the country's leading, full-service transportation and logistics companies. Rather than being a transactional organization, our goal is to change the industry standards, deploying our values as our guiding principles, to help engage, connect, and build mutually beneficial relationships. We have a team of over 40 dedicated employees whose goal is to deliver exceptional service focused on speed, urgency, and technology. Our team is experts in transport management, planning, and communication. Our vision is based on mutual growth, growth within our business while also contributing to the companies that work with us.

Location & Directions for ArdentX

13225 Vantage Way, Jacksonville, FL 32218
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Services ArdentX Offers

freight transportation, shipping services, logistics company, trucking company, freight forwarding services, logistics solutions, transportation services, intermodal trucking, warehousing, freight storage

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