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Appliance Medic

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About Appliance Medic

At Appliance Medic, we are your trusted appliance repair service in Greenville. With our experienced technicians and exceptional customer service, we pride ourselves on delivering top-notch results. Our mission is to address each customer's unique needs and ensure efficient and effective appliance repairs. We stand out among appliance repair companies in Greenville by offering same-day service and the capability to repair all major brands and models of appliances. Choose us for refrigerator repair, oven repair, dryer repair, dishwasher repair, and more. Trust the experts at Appliance Medic to get your appliances up and running again quickly!

Location & Directions for Appliance Medic

212 McMakin Dr, Greenville, SC 29617
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Services Appliance Medic Offers

Services offered by Appliance Medic:
Appliance repair service, Service establishment, Appliance Repair, Plumbing, Water Heaters

  • Appliance Repair Service
  • Service establishment
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More About Appliance Medic

Appliance Medic is the premier appliance repair service in Greenville, SC. With our skilled technicians and exceptional customer service, we provide top-notch repairs for refrigerators, ovens, dryers, dishwashers, and more. As a locally owned and operated company, we take pride in delivering excellent results and addressing each customer's unique needs. Our experienced technicians have the expertise to fix any broken appliance efficiently and effectively. We stand out among appliance repair companies in Greenville by offering same-day service and the ability to repair all major brands and models of appliances. Choose Appliance Medic for reliable and affordable appliance repairs in Greenville!