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APEX Disaster Specialists

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About APEX Disaster Specialists

APEX Disaster Specialists is the most reliable mold remediation and water damage repair service in the Emerald Coast. We have rebuilt homes, businesses and lives for thousands of residents along the panhandle. After a disaster, the right response team can mean all the difference between total destruction and total recovery. APEX is family owned and family operated with a mission to protect and rebuild it's surrounding communities.

APEX Disaster Specialists is made up of a group of individuals that span over 120 years of experience in the Construction and Disaster Restoration industries. Apex Disaster Specialist are extremely well versed when it comes to understanding insurance claims and how to handle them from start to finish from both the insured and the insurer's viewpoint.

We strive for excellence in customer service through superior communication and by paying attention to the smallest of details. When it comes to a loss of any size for your home or business, we have the resources and the knowledge to put the pieces back together as quickly as possible while maintaining quality craftsmanship in all that we do.

Location & Directions for APEX Disaster Specialists

15167 US-331 Suite A, Freeport, FL 32439
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Services APEX Disaster Specialists Offers

Construction and Disaster Restoration, Mold Remediation, Water Extraction

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