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Alpern Rosenthal

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About Alpern Rosenthal

Since 1961, we have provided a full range of accounting and audit, business consulting, business valuation and litigation support, tax compliance and planning, and international tax services to a diversified client-base.

Location & Directions for Alpern Rosenthal

2101 W Commercial Blvd Suite 4800, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309
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Services Alpern Rosenthal Offers

Alpern Rosenthal provides a full range of accounting, auditing, tax, business advisory and consulting services to a diversified client base of privately-held and public companies, as well as a large number of not-for-profit organizations. We combine the insight and ideas of multiple disciplines to provide solutions to a wide range of industries, including manufacturing, construction, real estate, energy, healthcare, emerging business and technology, public company and not-for-profit.

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