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Adore Real Talent

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About Adore Real Talent

Katherine Hayes, owner and dance instructor of Adore Real Talent Ballroom Dance studio. Her mission is to create a studio that feels like you're home and surrounded by elegance, grace, and warmth. A place where you can express creativity, feel encouraged and move your body to great music through a variety of Ballroom dances. She believes that anyone can dance and at Adore Real Talent, whether it's for a special occasion, health, hobby, spending time with your loved one, and/or an outlet to relieving stress, is here for you to achieve your goals. So join us and discover the benefits that Ballroom dancing has to offer.

Location & Directions for Adore Real Talent

5535 Western Blvd Suite 204, Raleigh, NC 27606
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Services Adore Real Talent Offers

Dance Studios

  • Dance Schools
  • Dance Studios
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