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Abode Appliance Service

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About Abode Appliance Service

Abode Appliance Service is a trusted and family-owned appliance repair service located in Independence, MO. Since 2016, we have been serving the Greater Kansas City area with our expertise in repairing appliances such as microwaves, refrigerators, washers & dryers, and more. Our dedicated team of professionals is committed to providing exceptional service and ensuring customer satisfaction. With our extensive knowledge of the industry and passion for what we do, you can trust us to handle all your appliance repair needs efficiently and effectively.

Location & Directions for Abode Appliance Service

4621 S Shrank Dr, Independence, MO 64055
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Services Abode Appliance Service Offers

Services offered by Abode Appliance Service:
Appliance repair service, Microwave oven repair service, Refrigerator repair service, Washer & dryer repair service, Appliances Major Service Repair & Installation

  • Appliance Repair Service
  • Microwave Oven Repair Service
  • Refrigerator Repair Service
  • Washer & Dryer Repair Service
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More About Abode Appliance Service

Abode Appliance Service, based in Independence, MO, is a leading appliance repair service serving the Greater Kansas City area since 2016. As a family-owned business, we understand the importance of reliable home appliances. With the advancement of technology, appliances now incorporate more electronics that may require professional attention when malfunctions occur. Our team of experienced technicians specializes in repairing various appliances, including microwaves, refrigerators, washers & dryers, and more. We prioritize customer satisfaction by delivering prompt and efficient service. Whether your refrigerator needs immediate attention to prevent food spoilage or your oven seems to be malfunctioning, our skilled technicians will diagnose and resolve the issue quickly. We also offer dishwasher and garbage disposal repairs to ensure smooth functioning in your kitchen. At Abode Appliance Service, we are dedicated to providing trustworthy repairs that restore your appliances' functiona