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76 Shelby's Truck Stop and Food Mart

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About 76 Shelby's Truck Stop and Food Mart

76 Shelby's Truck Stop and Food Mart is located in Shelby, MS. We specialize in Food Services, Gas, Diesel Fuel, Beverages, and Snacks. Here at 76 Shelby's Truck Stop and Food Mart, our mission is to always provide quality service at an affordable price. The success of our company is due to the dedication we provide to our customers. Give us a call today!

Location & Directions for 76 Shelby's Truck Stop and Food Mart

1103 E School Ave, Shelby, MS 38774
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Services 76 Shelby's Truck Stop and Food Mart Offers

Gas Stations

  • Convenience Stores
  • Gas Stations
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