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2 Local Gals Housekeeping

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About 2 Local Gals Housekeeping

2 Local Gals Housekeeping offers high-quality professional house cleaning maid services leaving your home sparkling clean. 2 Local Gals Housekeeping has earned a favorable reputation among our clientele thanks to our commitment to excellence. We take great pride in our Maid Service tasks and always strive to do the best job possible. 2 Local Gals was founded in May 1999 by, none other than, two local Salt Lake City gals. As single moms we worked hard because we had to, but we had dreams of becoming much more.

As 2 Local Gals Housekeeping grew we hired gals just like us who were hard-working and needed a chance to show how determined they were to succeed.

Today, we provide work for more than 20 gals who enjoy House Cleaning for clients who require and appreciate our Maid Services.

Being locally owned and operated has made us many great friends. We care about our community and the people in it. We do business neighbor to neighbor. Enjoy the spotless home or office you have always wanted with the specialists at 2 Local Gals Housekeeping.

Location & Directions for 2 Local Gals Housekeeping

4305 Harrison Blvd, Ogden, UT 84403
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Services 2 Local Gals Housekeeping Offers

Maid services, house cleaning, housekeeping, house cleaning services, maid cleaning services.

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