Search our comprehensive list of General Contractors companies in Connecticut
Choosing the best general contractor is critical when it comes to building or improving your home. To help you sort through all of the options, Best of the Web makes it easy to find top-rated professional contractors in your area. Here you can read reviews and see which contractors in your area other people recommend. That way you can pick the best one for the job.
We have built over 1400 custom-designed modular homes and commercial projects since our founding in 1981 and those past customers send many referrals our…
Design View General Contractors LLC are Oakdale general contractors who will expertly complete any project while still charging fair prices. We take pride in…
Successful home building requires that you need to know not only the parts involved, but the steps of building a home, too. We will…
Jill Rae Designs, LLC is a full-service, luxury Home Build, Renovation, and Home Staging company. Located in Ridgefield Connecticut, we service all areas of… Unclaimed: Claim this business
Lifeway Mobility is an accessibility solutions company that provides a wide variety of ramps, stair lifts, wheelchair lifts, transfer aids, and bath safety solutions… Unclaimed: Claim this business
Quality 1 Services is a Construction located in East Haven, CT and has been servicing all of East Haven and the surrounding areas for… Unclaimed: Claim this business
We pride ourselves on reliability, great communication, integrity, and quality work. We are experts in the trades and always do our best to keep…
alternative Construction LLC seeks efficient communication with our clients to meet their expectations, we also propose attractive alternatives that lead to optimal Results, client… Unclaimed: Claim this business
Since 1970, Aqua Pool & Patio has been building and installing the areas finest pools, spas and waterfalls for residential and commercial customers. Our… Unclaimed: Claim this business
When we made the decision to build our own home in 2013, we found a wonderful piece of wooded land just south of Greenwood.… Unclaimed: Claim this business
Calamari Recycling Co. INC was founded by John, Anthony, and their brother-in-law, Joseph Smith. Our business was established in 1935 on Howard Street near… Unclaimed: Claim this business
Carlos T Contractor LLC is a General Contractor, Custom Home Builder, Excavating Contractor, Kitchen Remodeler & Bathroom Remodeler located in Danbury, CT and has… Unclaimed: Claim this business
Garage upgrade and organization company. Serving Darien, New Canaan, Wilton, Westport, and Greenwich, CT. Unclaimed: Claim this business
Website: We are a Residential and Commercial Roofing Company located in Norwalk CT that provides Roofing, Siding, and Gutter Services in the entire state…
Executive Craftsman is a full service contracting firm based in Fairfield County, CT. Executive Craftsman employees are skilled craftsman as well as qualified, licensed… Unclaimed: Claim this business
JLN Contracting provides pre-construction and construction services to the Industrial, Commercial, Financial, Medical, Hospitality, Retail, and Automotive market sectors throughout New England. At JLN,… Unclaimed: Claim this business
Matos General Construction specialized in Building Remodeling, Handyman Services, Bathroom Remodeling, Renovation Kitchen Remodeling, Renovation Basement Remodeling, Renovation Carpentry (all phases), Plumbing Painting &… Unclaimed: Claim this business
Excavation Contractors CT is the leading septic and excavation company servicing New Haven and Fairfield Counties. We have been bringing expert excavation services to…
Highwood Mechanical was started back in 1994 by two brothers with a motto of doing a great job, giving best prices and treating people…
General contractors oversee construction projects. They hire subcontractors to do any work that needs done, facilitate communication between the property owners and workers, and keep an eye on the project schedule.
Here are some of the most common projects that you’ll need a general contractor to manage.
General contractors typically charge a certain percentage of your project budget. This means that you’ll pay a lot more for a general contractor to help build a whole house than you would if they were simply managing construction of a new deck for your existing home.
Here are several estimates of what you can expect to pay a general contractor for common projects.
Here are some important things to keep in mind when choosing which general contractor to hire.
The best place to start your search for a general contractor is right here with Best of the Web. We’ll help you weed out the scammers and unprofessional contractors so that you can talk to the most qualified candidates in your area.
Is it worth hiring a general contractor, or should I do it myself?
Not every project needs a general contractor. However, be careful not to get in over your head trying to save yourself a little money. This can backfire and result in you getting fined for breaking code, or overpaying for materials or services you’re not familiar with.
If your project is going to take more than a week to complete, requires multiple tradespeople, or involves local building codes, it’s a good idea to hire a professional.
What should you look for in a general contractor?
Make sure that your general contractor is licensed and insured, and don’t just take their word for it. Double check with your state’s licensing authority to make sure that everything is valid.
How much should I pay a contractor upfront?
Every general contractor works on their own payment schedule, so your upfront fees will vary. Some states place a limit on how much you can pay in advance, so research and learn the laws in your state. As a general rule, you can expect to pay between 10-25% of the total project cost upfront, although this may vary.
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