Best of the Web Directory
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Best Educational Service
A document or service which is intended to teach the basics of a particular subject to non-professionals (students or just the general public). Doesn't necessarily have anything to do with education as a profession itself. May use graphics, interaction, and other media to enhance the learning effectiveness.
Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming Using C++
Marcus Speh, Germany Syncrotron
The first fully virtual course in the Globewide Network Academy. Combines a MOO and a HTML hypertextbook. With links to other C++ resources as well, an important resource for learning C++.
Honorable Mention
ArtServe ( -
Australian National University
Frans van Hoesel (housed at UNC SunSITE)
Museum of Paleontology -
University of California at Berkeley
Views of the Solar System -
C.J. Hamilton, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Other Nominees
Early Scientific Instruments -
Naples Institute of Physics
Geographic Information Systems -
U.S. Geological Survey
Geometry Applications Gallery
U. Minnesota Geometry Center
The Journey North -
U. Michigan School of Education
A Tourist Expedition to Antarctica -
L. Liming, U. Michigan
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Brandon Plewe -
[email protected]