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Maryann Davidson Photography

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About Maryann Davidson Photography

Headshot photographer. Based in Atlanta, Available Worldwide. Contact to update your headshot today. Let's capture your personality and make you look professional, friendly, and professional.

Location & Directions for Maryann Davidson Photography

1200 Foster St Nw, Atlanta, GA 30318
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Services Maryann Davidson Photography Offers

Headshot Photographer, Commercial Photography, Product Photography, Photography Studio

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More About Maryann Davidson Photography

Atlanta Headshot Photographer - Based in Atlanta, Available Worldwide
When was the last time you judged something based on how it looks? Your customers are doing the same thing. If you deleted everything on your website except your photos, how competitive would you be? Do your photos match the level of QUALITY that you provide? If someone looked at one of your photographs, without any words, would they be able to guess what you do? Would you want to connect with or do business with that company? In today's competitive world, 80% of people will meet you and your company for the first time in print or online. 80%! Your photos can turn people away or inspire them to connect with you. How much business are you losing due to poor photography? You'll never know, because on the internet people don't have to make excuses to walk away. Make that first impression count. Beautiful, clear images sell. It is that simple. A picture is worth a thousand....sales, dollars, customers. 17+ years in business 20,000+ photos delivered 6200+ hours of classes & seminars 4160 hours photoshop annually 100+ hours annual volunteer work Why Maryann Davidson Photography? Because I don't want to take just another snapshot - Anyone can do that. I am a professional photographer and an artist. As a professional photographer I know what lenses, camera controls, and software to use; As an artist I know it's about more than just that. Ansel Adams once said, "You don't make a photograph just with a camera. You bring to the act of photography all the pictures you have seen, the books you have read, the music you have heard, the people you have loved."